Why Does My Child Always Need To Touch Me? (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Our children generally love giving affection and attention to us and one of the ways that they communicate attention and attention is by touching us, but is this all that touching communicates?

This article will look into why your child always needs to touch you

Why does my child always need to touch me?

Your kids likely touch you all the time, this is normal, but you may still wonder why your child seems to need to do this all of the time.

Here is a look into why your children always seem to need to touch you:

Your child likes physical touch:

One of the love languages is physical touch, this means that a person who has physical touch as a love language likes being touched by the person they love and they love touching people they love.

A loved one touching them, and them touching a loved one, gives them comfort and makes them feel loved, this may be what’s happening with their child.

Your child will show affection, and may also feel affection, when they are touching you and being touched by you

Your child may kiss you, cuddle you, try to get you to kiss them, hold your hand, try to get you to hold them, and enjoy bear hugs

Touching your child is critical in helping them develop a bond with you and vice versa.

What to do:

This is normal behavior and isn’t something to worry about, you can go along with your child’s behavior and touch them, cuddle, them, or kiss them when they do this to you

If you don’t want to touch your child right now you can swaddle your child, tightly in a blanket.

Alternatively, you can give your child’s body the deep muscle pressure that they want by having them push against a wall using his hands at first then the shoulder, back, and then the other shoulder. This should give your child the deep muscle pressure that they crave.

You can also try to get your child to do crab walks, or wheelbarrow walks, as a solution to the deep-pressure needs.

One day your child will not want to touch you, cuddle you, hold your hand, or kiss you so enjoying it while you can, even if you get frustrated about it from time to time.


Another reason why your child may always be touching you may simply be because the child is exploring.

Everything in the world is new to your child, including you! and they may constantly be touching you as a way of exploring you.

Your child at an early age will touch to learn about body parts faces and expressions through touch

What to do:

Allow your child to explore you as they see fit, this is perfectly normal and natural for children to do. You can help out my naming the parts of the body that they touch.

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Why Does My Child Always Need To Touch Me? (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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