Will My Baby Remember Me When I Go Back To Work (A Quick Guide)

Getting back to work after having your baby can bring about some anxiety, will the baby be properly taken care of once you’re gone? will something happen to the baby when you are away? and will your baby remember you when you get back from work?

This article is a look into whether your baby will remember you when you go back to work

Will my baby remember me when I go back to work?

The love between a baby and their parent is quite strong, the baby will either prefer their mother or father over everyone else and you certainly don’t want this love to disappear once you go back to work.

Here is what you need to know if you’re worried that your baby won’t remember you when you go back to work:

Work and your baby:

You don’t have to worry that your baby will forget you if you go back to work, many mothers and fathers go back to work soon after the baby is born and the baby still remembers them and is still excited to see them once the parent comes back

While the baby’s cognitive abilities may still be developing, and this can continue for the first few months after birth, as long as you come back from work, and don’t disappear for years on end, then your baby’s memory of you will be intact.

If your baby is only a few months old then they won’t even realize that you’re gone because they haven’t developed the ability to think about you when you are not there.

Leaving your baby, while you go to work, may not always be a bad thing.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder so spending time away from your baby will make the time that you do spend with your baby more precious.

Your baby will go about their day while you’re gone and she will be jumping for joy when you get back, this is very heartwarming and is lovely to come back to.

If you do stay away from your baby for a while, if you are off on deployment or at work for a couple of months, then your baby will look for you the days following your departure and will eventually get used to you not being there.

Your baby will likely not recognize you once you get back but you spending time with them will jog their memory, or at least give them new memories of you. Your baby will treat you like you never left a few days after you get home

What to do:

You can maintain a good relationship with your child by spending as much time with them as you can when you aren’t working.

Make sure that the two of you are having fun together when you get to spend time together. You can take your baby out grocery shopping with you, take her to lunch or dinner, or even take her with you when running errands.

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Will My Baby Remember Me When I Go Back To Work (A Quick Guide)
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