Baby Cries With Nanny (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Leaving our babies with the nanny can give parents much-needed adult time, time where we can spend time doing regular things without the baby, but leaving the baby with the many can cause the baby to cry

This article looks into why babies cry with the nanny

Baby cries with nanny:

Babies can cry for a variety of reasons, your baby may cry because they are hungry, because they are hurt, or, because you’re giving them over to the nanny there are a variety of reasons why this may be happening

Here is why your baby cries with the nanny:


If you’ve just hired a nanny for your baby then your baby may be crying when you hand them over to the nanny because your child is unfamiliar with the nanny.

Your baby may cry or throw a tantrum with the new nanny because the baby does not know the new nanny and isn’t comfortable with the new nanny.

Your baby will need time to bond with the new nanny, this may take some time so crying in the early stages isn’t something that you should worry about.

What to do:

The more time your baby spends with the nanny the more comfortable the baby will be with them.

Unfortunately crying is something that usually happens in the early stages of the two getting to know each other, your baby will just have to adjust to the nanny.

You may have to introduce the nanny to the baby and leave, letting the nanny soothe the baby when you aren’t around. Your baby will cry for about 10 minutes then they will be fine after being soothed by the nanny.

Your baby protesting about being left with the nanny as normal but the baby will quickly acclimate

Bad nanny:

While the above two may be true, if your baby not only cries but also acts fearful around the new nanny then there may be an issue with the nanny itself.

Your nanny may not be giving the baby the type of warmth and care that the baby needs to feel bonded to them, so your baby may not want to spend time with them, your nanny may be a bad nanny, the baby may be getting into accidents because the nanny isn’t keeping an eye on them so the baby doesn’t feel safe around the nanny, the nanny may not be following regular feeding time or nap times so the baby may not like the nanny.

What to do:

If you have a bad feeling and suspect that your child isn’t being treated well by the nanny, even after they’ve had a lot of time to spend together, then trust your instructions and move on from this nanny, when in doubt trust your gut.

You can also consider getting a nanny cam if you’re not willing to get rid of the nanny just yet, you’d have to read up on the laws in your area before you decide to get the nanny cam

It is generally legal to use a nanny cam, and not tell your nanny about it, as long as the cam is not in the nanny’s bedroom, assuming if they live with you, and as long as the cam is not in the bathroom

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Baby Cries With Nanny (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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