Toddler Mad At Mom After New Baby (1 Serious Reason why + What To Do)

Having another child and bringing this new child into the home can be a wonderful experience, but this experience may not be wonderful for everyone.

While bringing a new baby into the family may be great for you your toddler may act out when this happens

This article looks into why your toddler is mad at mom after the arrival of a new baby

Toddler mad at mom after new baby:

Toddlers can get mad over a variety of seemingly unserious things, they can throw a fit and tantrum over almost anything and they may get mad over almost anything as well.

Your toddler may get mad at mom after the arrival of a new baby, here is why this happens.

The desire for attention:

If your toddler was the only child in the house, and you suddenly bring in a new baby, then the arrival of the baby may cause the toddler to get jealous that there is a new baby in the picture and that the baby is taking up all the attention

Your toddler may seem to get mad at the mom because before the baby arrived the mom was giving all the attention to the toddler. If attention is significantly lowered then the toddler may start to develop feelings of confusion, anger, sadness, and frustration.

A toddler in this case may yell, cry, start acting like a baby, get angry when the baby is around, won’t want to snuggle or kiss you, and may shout at you.

While this may seem like your older hates you they don’t, they are simply going through a completely normal change at home and having a normal reaction to it. Your toddler simply does not have the words to verbalize how they feel.

What to do:

If your toddler is upset that they aren’t getting the attention that they used to get then you can remedy this to an extent.

You can spend time and give attention to your toddler by spending one-on-one time with them, praising them for good behavior, maintaining good routines, and telling your toddler how much you love and care for them.

Your child should start to feel better the more attention you give them, allow your child to give you hugs, kisses, and love when they are ready too, don’t force it

The anger will only go on for a couple of weeks if you give your toddler attention.

Your toddler, as a result of the new baby, won’t get as much attention as they did when they were an only child, but your child will get used to this.

As long as you share your attention with them and the baby and remind them that although your giving love and attention to the baby you’ll still give love and attention to the toddler.

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Toddler Mad At Mom After New Baby (1 Serious Reason why + What To Do)
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