Will My Baby Remember Me Being Angry (A Quick Guide)

While we try our best to stay cool, calm, and collected when we are around our babies this doesn’t always work, we’re human and sometimes we get angry around our kids, but many of us would rather have them forget

This article looks into whether your baby will remember you being angry

Will my baby remember me being angry?

Babies can be very sensitive, they can start to cry at the slightest provocation including you being angry, but you’d understandably not want your child to keep the memory of you being angry forever

Here is what you need to know if you’re worried that your child will remember you being angry:

Anger and your baby:

Your baby will not remember if you get angry at them, as long as this isn’t a habit of yours. Babies develop cognitive abilities when they exit the womb and they are still developing these abilities for a while after birth.

Likely, your child won’t even remember that you were angry at them they don’t even understand language so they definitely won’t remember what you said

Your baby may cry if you shout at them out of anger but since you don’t remember anything from when you were a baby they won’t either.

I’m pretty sure that you haven’t done anything to physically harm the baby so don’t beat yourself up if anger is sometimes seen from you by your baby.

That being said, the baby will register anger when they are older, they can tell when a person is anger-prone and will even change their behavior to appease the person

What to do:

If you get angry at your baby cause they are crying the first thing you should do is check the baby’s diaper, check if the baby is hungry or tired, and make sure that there are no rashes or scratches on your baby’s body

If you get frustrated at your baby you may want to put her in the crib for a little while you calm down.

Laying her in her crib may not do much to calm her down but a crib is a safe place for the baby to be while you’re getting yourself together, this will also help to keep you from crossing the line with her.

Sometimes all you need is to take a few minutes to yourself to regroup, and take a little break if you feel you’re at your wit’s end, a little five-minute break will not harm your baby

Reading positive parenting blogs, support groups, and the like may help when you are feeling frustrated at the situation

Just remember that at the end of the day, your baby is just a baby and she is not trying to frustrate you and she is not trying to give you a hard time, she is likely having a hard time.

Your baby is just going through the motions of being a baby. Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and continue to do the best you can as a parent.

As long as this anger towards your baby is not a regular thing then your baby will be fine

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Will My Baby Remember Me Being Angry (A Quick Guide)
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