Why Does My Baby Like Lights So Much? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

A variety of seemingly mundane things will spark a lot of curiosity in babies, and you may wonder why. Something like a light may be what your baby is currently fixated on.

This article looks into why your baby likes lights so much

Why does my baby like lights so much?

While we know not to look directly at bright lights like the sun or welding trenches babies seem to love looking at bright lights, but should they be doing this?

This article looks into why your baby likes lights so much:

Babies and lights:

Babies take a while to turn into toddlers and children, there is a lot of development that needs to happen before that. Sight is one of the things that need to develop.

Babies aren’t born with clear vision, it takes them a while to develop their sense of vision, things are quite blurry for babies at first

Because of this, they focus on, and can only focus on things with lots of light, movement, or contrast, like bright lights. They will focus on bright lights more than other things like their parent’s faces

Your child will only start to really look at, and focus on, their parent’s faces at about 6 to 8 weeks of age

Until then your baby will focus on lights because they still crave sensory stimulation of some sort. Sensory stimulation isn’t just for entertainment it helps them stimulate their rapidly developing brains

What to do:

You don’t have to worry that your child likes looking at lights, this is normal and common behavior in babies.

You don’t have to worry about the lights damaging your baby’s eyesight either, as long as your child isn’t looking at the light for too long, and as long as you use baby-safe lights, these lights produce softer, cooler lighting.

What can damage your child’s eyes is staring at the sun, thankfully your child won’t look into the sun as this will be painful to them.

It’s painful because looking at the sun can damage the cornea causing the cells to crack and blister, like a regular sunburn but on the eyeball

If you’re worried then consult a pediatrician or eye care professional about your baby’s eyes and behavior

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Why Does My Baby Like Lights So Much? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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