Baby Cries All Day With Nanny (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Babies bond with their caregivers, this is a survival technique that they are born with, but not all babies will immediately bond with their caregivers or nannies

This article looks into what you need to know if your baby cries with their nanny.

Baby cries all day with nanny:

Babies are usually warmer to the people that they know and are around often but if your nanny has been around your baby more than once, and the baby still cries around them, then you’d likley start to worry

This article looks into why your baby cries all day with their nanny:

The baby doesn’t know the nanny:

If you’ve just introduced a nanny to your baby then the baby may immediately start crying. Most babies will get upset, cranky, and will cry when they see someone whom they don’t recognize

The baby may simply be crying with the nanny because the nanny is new and the baby does not recognize them.

What to do:

This is normal and isn’t something to worry about, in fact, the baby crying when a new person comes around is a sign of intellectual development.

A baby who cries when new people come around can tell the difference between familiar and unfamiliar faces.

The crying is a sign from the baby, who can’t communicate with words, that there is something off in the situation. This is the baby’s brain starting to understand stranger danger.

You can help the baby get used to the nanny by letting the nanny talk to the baby while the baby is securely on your lap or in your arms.

Arrange more visits with the nanny to show the baby that the nanny is safe for them

The two haven’t bonded:

You may have introduced your baby to the nanny but if the two haven’t bonded then the baby may still cry when around the nanny.

The baby would need to spend quality time with the nanny so it can see that the nanny isn’t there to hurt them

What to do:

Get the baby to spend as much quality time as they can with the baby, this may look like having the nanny come in 30 minutes earlier so you can give the child time to acclimate while you’re with the nanny.

Leave your baby with the nanny for short stretches of time in the beginning and increase this time as you go along.

Also, make sure that you inform the nanny what your baby’s favorite snacks, toys, diversions, and soothing techniques are

You may also have to walk out of the house, with the nanny and the baby, and say your goodbyes in a different scenery.

Issues with the sitter:

Babies don’t cry for nothing, this is their only way of communicating with us so they will communicate when there is something wrong as well.

If the baby has had enough time with the nanny, and is still crying around them, then the baby may be unhappy and depressed with the nanny.

If your baby takes more than about a week to get used to a new nanny then the child likely won’t get used to the new nanny.

The nanny may not have enough experience, may be hurting the baby, may be neglecting the baby, or, the two personalities may simply be clashing.

What to do:

Finding the perfect fit nanny can be quite difficult and may take some trial and error. You may simply have to find a new nanny that your baby can bond with, this will be easier on everyone.

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Baby Cries All Day With Nanny (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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