Why Does My Child Talk So Loud (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

We as parents want our children to feel free and happy to chat with us and around us, but you may start to think that there is something wrong if your child starts talking loudly all of the time.

This article looks into why your child may be talking so loud

Why does my child talk so loud?

You as a parent are likely looking forward to the point where your child finally stops giving you baby talk and starts talking normally, but talking can also be accompanied by shouting or simply talking too loudly.

Here is why this may your child may be doing this:

Hearing issues:

Another reason why your child may be talking loud when talking to you, or talking to someone else, may be because they have hearing issues.

Hearing issues can cause the person talking to speak louder because they can’t hear themselves well when talking.

They may talk loud because they think this is the only way they will be heard as it’s the only way they can hear themselves

What to do:

If you think that this is what’s going on with your child then you’d need to have your child’s hearing checked by a doctor.

The issue may not necessarily be with the child’s ear itself, there may be something deep in your child’s ear causing them to have difficulty hearing.

Used to raising their voice:

If your child is in school, and they have to shout and scream in order to be heard because 30 other students are also vying for their teacher’s attention, or, if they have to scream over other children while on the playground to be heard by their friends, then your child may bring this loud way of communicating into the home.

The child doesn’t know or understand that they are being too loud, they are just transferring the communication skills of the classroom into the home

What to do:

Communicate to your child that you can hear them, and that they don’t have to shout, by replying to them as soon as they talk to you.

Replying in a calm voice, or whispering back to them, will help them understand that they are being loud and that they don’t need to shout to get your attention in your home.

They are having fun:

Another reason why your child may be so loud when talking may simply be because the child is having fun while talking.

Children can’t seem to keep quiet when excited, and they may be excited when talking to you. They will feel overwhelmed with excitement and this will show up as talking loud.

What to do:

This is normal and learned behavior, it isn’t a sign that there is anything wrong with your child, it’s simply a sign that your child is having fun while talking to you

You can combat his behavior by whispering or talking normally to your child. Speaking to your child in a normal voice, or even whispering to your child, should get them to speak normally to you even when they are excited.

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Why Does My Child Talk So Loud (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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