Why Does My Child Yell When He Talks (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Watching your child learn how to talk, and them having real conversations with you can be quite fun, that is, until they start yelling when they talk. While children talking loudly and screaming may seem normal you may still wonder why this happens.

Figuring out why your child yells will help you understand whether you should worry or whether you shouldn’t. This article looks into why this happens.

Why does my child yell when he talks?

Children aren’t able to communicate the same way adults do, they may start yelling while talking at inappropriate times or all the time. You as a parent may be wondering why your child is doing this

This is why this may be happening with your child:

Hearing issues:

One of the reasons why your child may be yelling when talking may be that the boy has hearing issues.

This phenomenon is similar to when we have music playing in our ears from our headphones and we shout when talking to get someone to hear us. The loud music in our ears makes us want to compensate when talking by shouting.

If your child has hearing issues they may think they need to shout when talking in order to get their message across.

A child with impaired hearing will shout because they are not aware of how loud they sound to other people.

What to do:

You may want to get your child’s hearing checked out if you think that this is the reason behind the shouting when talking.

Another sign of a hearing impaired child is a child who cannot hear well when you are taking properly so watch out for that, unless of course, the child has taught themselves how to lip read

Your child may not have anything wrong with their ears but there may be something stuck deep in your child’s ear

They are used to competing:

Another theory as to why your child may be shouting all the time may be that they are used to competing to be heard in class. When in class they shout when talking and will carry on this behavior at home by shouting when talking to you

This is understandable as there are likely 30 other children in the class all vying for their teacher’s attention but it can understandably be quite frustrating to you

What to do:

Your child will learn on their own that they are being too loud and don’t have to shout to get your attention.

Help them figure this out by whispering when they shout, this will help them quickly realize how loud they are being.

Your child should calm down once you get through to them as long as you stay cool calm and collected as they are shouting

You can also model the different voices that you use in your day-to-day life, your child will pick up on these and mimic you

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Why Does My Child Yell When He Talks (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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