7-Year-Old Fake Crying (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

When our kids cry we quickly try to jump in and solve their problems, and when our kids fake cry we are less than impressed.

But why does this happen? This article looks into why your 7-year-old may be fake crying

7-Year-old fake crying:

While some of your child’s tears may be fake, the drama that ensues when your baby starts to cry is quite real and needs to be managed.

Here is what you need to know if your 7-year-old seems to be fake crying:

It gets them what they want:

If your child is fake crying and you as parents respond as the child likes when their fake crying starts, then the child learns that the fake crying will get them what they want

If your child has power over you through fake crying then don’t expect them to not use this power

A smart child will generally fake cry and will even fake cry in public in an attempt to shame you to get what they want.

What to do:

If you can see that the crying coming from your child is fake then let them fake cry it out, do this a couple of times to signal to them that it has no effect on you.

Once your child is done fake crying, teach them that you are still their parent, and that you still love them, but no amount of fake crying will sway you.

Lavishing praise, when your child does good behaviors, is also recommended. This will teach them that they don’t have to cry to get your attention.

Frustration or tiredness:

Another reason why your child may fake cry may be because the child doesn’t know how to communicate their needs and will fake cry as a last resort.

While a 7-year-old does know how to communicate to some degree, they may not know how to fully communicate their feelings of frustration or tiredness and will cry out as a result.

The child in this case is just trying to function in their environment the best way they know how.

What to do:

You may have to have a conversation with your child about the crying and help them figure out a better plan of action for when they are upset.

You can suggest that they ask for a hug or a cuddle when they are upset, or, ask your child for suggestions on what they can do if they feel frustrated

Doing this will validate their feelings and make them feel comfortable to communicate with you

You can also crouch down and speak in a soothing voice to the child until they feel better.

Don’t infantilize the child when doing this. If the response that you give your child, once they fake cry, makes them feel needy, helpless and as someone to pity then they won’t grow mentally as they should.

Rather allow your child to share their strong opinions and allow them to express themselves confidently rather than helplessly and sadly

Avoid punishing them for their fake crying, punishing them will teach them that their feelings don’t matter and that expressing them will result in punishment.

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7-Year-Old Fake Crying (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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