Will My Baby Think The Nanny Is Her Mom (What You Need To Know)

We as moms have a special bond with our babies, and we would ideally like to maintain that mother-child bond forever.

But you may be wondering ‘will my baby think that the nanny is her mom” when starting to look for a nanny, this article looks into it.

Will my baby think the nanny is her mom:

Babies naturally have a special bond with their mothers, a baby will usually gravitate toward her over everyone else

But what happens when you bring a nanny into the mix? This article looks into all you need to know if you’re concerned that your baby will think their nanny is their mom.

What really happens:

While nannies and babies spend a lot of time together it is unlikely that your baby will try to think that her nanny is her mom.

Kids spend time at daycare for long periods and while they may bond with the daycare workers for long periods they will not start to think that the daycare worker is their mom

The same goes for nannies, while your child may spend a lot of time with the nanny, they won’t become bonded to the nanny like they will be bonded to you their mother

Your child may occasionally call the nanny mom once in a while but this does not mean that the baby sees the nanny as the mom

While babies form bonds with many caregivers, as a way of survival, they are able to differentiate between their primary caregiver, their mom, and other caregivers, the nanny

The bond that you as a mother share with your baby while they are in the womb also does a lot toward helping the baby understand that you are their mother.

Also, your child loving the nanny doesn’t mean that they think the nanny is their mom, it just means that the baby has a health attachment to the nanny.

The baby may exhibit strong negative feelings when the nanny leaves, but will turn to you, their mother, for love and support in that situation because they know that you are the safest place for them.

What should be noted is that even if the baby knows that you’re their mom, they won’t have so close of an attachment to you if you don’t spend enough quality time with them

If your nanny is doing all the child-rearing, giving love and affection then expect the baby to prefer the nanny over you

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Will My Baby Think The Nanny Is Her Mom (What You Need To Know)
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