Why Does My Baby Moan All The Time (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

We as parents want to understand why our babies do odd behaviors, in fact, we’d want to know why our babies are expressing any behavior, whether the behavior is odd or seemingly normal, including why the baby is moaning all the time.

This article is a look into why your baby may be moaning all the time.

Why does my baby moan all the time?

If your baby does something once or twice then you likely won’t be too worried about it, but if your baby does something consistently then you may start to worry

One thing that your baby may be doing consistently is moaning, here is why this may be happening to your child:

They are hungry:

Babies may be small but they need to be fed quite often, babies need to eat every 3 to 5 hours or so and if they are hungry, and no one comes to their rescue, they will start to moan and whine to get your attention

Your baby may be moaning all the time because they are hungry all the time.

Because babies can’t talk they will communicate by whining to get your attention. a hungry baby will also express other hunger cues until they are fed.

What to do:

One of the first things that people recommend to do when your baby starts to cry or moan is feeding them, feeding will usually stop any odd behavior in babies.

Go ahead and feed your baby if you suspect that the moaning as a result of hunger, this will usually get the moaning to stop.

Acid reflux:

Another reason why your baby may be moaning all the time may be that the child is suffering from acid reflux.

Acid reflux happens when the contents in your baby’s stomach come up the baby’s throat, up the esophagus, and burns the baby’s throat. This burning of the throat will be uncomfortable for the baby and will cause them to moan.

What to do:

Acid reflux is quite uncomfortable for your baby and the more acid reflux your baby suffers the more damaged your baby’s throat will get, so, it’s advised that you take your baby to the doctor or better yet your pediatrician if you suspect that they are suffering from acid reflux


If your child’s moaning is happening all of the time then your baby may be in pain. Your baby will moan not only because they are in pain but because they are trying to get your attention so you can come to their rescue.

Babies don’t know how to deal with pain, if they suffer from rashes, scratches, or injuries your baby won’t know what to do apart from moan and cry till you tend to them.

What to do:

Examine your baby’s body looking for scratches, injuries, or rashes. If you find scratches, rashes or injuries on your child’s body then take your child to the pediatrician.

If you don’t find any of these on your child’s body then you may want to comfort your baby by giving them lots of kisses and hugs.

If this doesn’t work, and the moaning gets worse, then consider taking your child to the pediatrician, the issue may be internal.

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Why Does My Baby Moan All The Time (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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