Why Do Toddlers Love Babies (2 Reasons Why + Helpful Tips)

As parents we’d love for our kids to get along, kids who get along will be each other’s best friends and this dynamic will make raising them easier. With this in mind, you still may wonder why the kids are so attached to each other

This article is a look into why toddlers love babies so much

Why do toddlers love babies?

Babies are the sweetest when they are quiet and cooing, but they can be a bit of a handful when they are screaming at the top of their lungs, but even toddlers love them

This article is a look into why toddlers love babies:

Mimicking parents:

Toddlers learn how to behave by watching and mimicking parent behaviors, so your toddler will learn how to treat the baby from watching you

If you’re very sweet and affectionate towards your baby then your toddler will do his too, you’ll notice your toddler kissing your baby, singing to them, and loving on the baby, they are doing this because they are mimicking you

Your toddler may view the baby as their own and see themselves as more of a parent not a sibling to the baby.

This is partly why babies like baby dolls, they get to care for them in a similar way to how adults care for babies.


As your toddler grows they learn their environment, and if the toddler is introduced to something new in their environment the toddler will get excited and will gravitate towards the new thing, the new thing may be the baby

The baby is something novel and exciting, they can now interact with something other than adults and other caregivers. So, your toddler will love the baby because they are something new.


While your toddler may love your baby it’s still important to ensure that the baby is safe while playing with the toddler. Make sure that the toddler doesn’t touch the baby on the vulnerable parts of the head like the top or play with the baby in a rough way

You can ask your toddler to play with the more study and robust areas of the baby’s body namely the feet

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Why Do Toddlers Love Babies (2 Reasons Why + Helpful Tips)
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